
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Top 5 Guilty Pleasures of 2012

Year end is nigh, time where annual lists come out everywhere, in all forms, and covering all topics. I thought perhaps I'd try my hand at it. I thought about the top ten books I read this year but everyone seems to have a similar list. Then I thought about the top ten short story collections I've read, but realized I didn't have ten for the year I could recommend since I was still compiling my all time favorite short story collection list, and ten still haven't made it. Then of course, there's the movies. I have too many friends who do year end reviews so I'll leave that to them. TV? nah. Music? I just don't follow enough. Besides, this is the time when I discover all the new music that came out this year. I'm lucky if I'm one year behind.

So I came up with this list. Strictly personal and I had to make it only 5 since my typecasting paper is short. I wanted to rush it out as my final blog of the year, unless I feel inspired in the next couple of days. If not, then Happy New Year to all my fellow Typospherians and thanks for welcoming me into the community!

