
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Typewriter in NYC Bookstore Window Display

Another typewriter sighting in NYC:

Crawford Doyle Booksellers in UES

This is a beautiful little bookstore in the Upper East Side. Books from floor to ceiling. Wooden library ladders on rails always win me over.  I saw the Corona walking by and loved the Sontag quote. The only issue I have is that the quote is laser printed in a really big font so people can read it from the street rather than actually typed out by the Corona.

So I've neglected my duties on my blog for a few months. My apologies but my recent relocation to the big apple took much longer than anticipated. I'm still unpacking. I left my typer collection back west in storage and brought only a handful over to use (which is still an overkill).  All but one are still in boxes along with my winter cloths which I will likely need to unpack soon.

Maybe I'll get to it since it seems like I'll be stormed in for a few days with Sandy visiting.


  1. At least they have a typewriter. It is good to see more typewriters out and about even if only used in advertising.

  2. WOW! Look at the typeface of that Corona!!

    I'm joking, of course, but wouldn't that be a fun machine to use?

  3. Thanks for sharing this. I agree, the use of a laser-printed text in the typewriter is a bit jarring!

    Stay safe and dry.

  4. What a great old typewrite. Love things in the windows on the streets of the big apple.

  5. Thanks for sharing the old typewriter. Window Displays is looking so good with this typewriter.
    Thanks for it.
